Raccoon Removal Hamilton
Professional and Guaranteed
Wildlife Shield
Guaranteed Service
Raccoon Removal Hamilton
Raccoon Removal Hamilton. Our technicians provide reliable raccoon removal solutions. We remove raccoons from attics, sheds, garages. After all animals have been humanely removed we clean and seal the area so you don’t have to experience a raccoon invasion again. Contact us today. We will send a technician to inspect the problem and provide recommendations for a solution. Call: 289-201-9189
The raccoon (Procyon lotor) usually inhabits wooded areas adjacent to a water sources as well as urban areas including Hamilton. Raccoons will thrive in any area that has food sources and shelter possibilities. Raccoons are most active during the early evening and through the night, ranging widely over their home territory in search of food. By day, raccoons den in hollow trees, rock crevices, other animal nests, and in the cities, parks, attics, sheds, garages and more. They also often den in chimneys, and culverts.
Mating season peaks from January through late March. The female rears her young alone and tolerates the male just during mating since males can be aggressive. Usually, raccoons give birth between April or May possibly. Birthing occurs in a nest established by the female, often in a hollow tree, chimney, or attic. A litter generally includes two to five young.
Should one take up residence in your attic, begin the eviction process by inspecting the attic for openings that pay the raccoon access. Help the raccoon determine your attic isn’t the safe, quiet home they thought it was. Carry on this harassment for just two or three days, and also the raccoon should leave. If the problem persists, call us we can help.
Between the months of June and March, there can become a mother and her young occupying the attic, so allow her time to take them to an alternative site. After determining that we now have no raccoons left indoors, secure the openings with hardware cloth. We also examine the outside of the building for tree limbs that provide bridges to your own house.
Raccoon Control in Hamilton
At Animal Control Hamilton, we have a reliable team of experienced and licensed technicians who are experts at trapping raccoons and dealing with a long list of problems that these animals bring with them.
Whether it is dealing with a wayward raccoon on your property that refuses to leave, an entire family of raccoons in your attic or garage, or just about any other problem associated with these animals, our trained technicians are proficient at handling them all.
We also offer proofing solutions that help in keeping these animals away from your property in the future too.
Remember, the presence of raccoons on your property is not only a nuisance but could also result in damage to your home, raccoon attacks on your pets and even children, as well as the risk of contracting a long list of potentially serious diseases.
So, if you’re up against a raccoon problem in Hamilton or the surrounding area, call us today on 289-201-9189 for a prompt inspection, and we will follow it up with a lasting solution that is affordable as well as comprehensive.
Why Hire a Professional Animal Control Team?
When dealing with raccoons, hiring the services of a professional animal control team like Animal Control Hamilton is a great option for several reasons.
Raccoons are dangerous animals when confronted and often get into fights that last unto death. Therefore, no matter how innocent or shy these creatures may seem otherwise when up against danger, they surely do not back out. This is even more prominent in situations where a female raccoon is protecting its young.
A simple bite or even a scratch from a raccoon can result in the transmission of dreaded diseases like Rabies and without the right protective gear, every encounter with a raccoon is potentially a risky one. Therefore, a direct confrontation with raccoons is never a good idea unless professional Raccoon Removal Hamilton experts are involved.
Moreover, the removal and release of raccoons in the wild is a process that is governed by several laws and strict guidelines, and overlooking any of these could lead to penalties or even other serious consequences with the law. Professional animal control personnel are aware of every detail in the rulebook and make sure that the entire process is completed in accordance with the laid down rules and regulations.
Humane Raccoon Removal Hamilton
Raccoons are perhaps the most intelligent wildlife nuisance homeowners encounter in Hamilton. Over time, they will learn how to open a garage, shed, roof vent or even a chimney capping. Once raccoons have learnt a new trick, they will pass it down to their offspring, making it very difficult for the homeowner to control the pest.
Raccoons are very territorial animals, and as soon as they take up premises in your property, they intend to stay and will even mark it. Once raccoons get access into your property, they will remember the spot, and even try to gain back entry after removal. It is during this time that prevention is important.
At Animal Control, our experts are qualified in getting rid of raccoons in your shed, garage or attic. We have the necessary, equipment, personnel and skills to humanely remove wildlife from your property and safely return them to their natural habitats. In case the raccoon was nesting, you don’t need to worry about their babies, we will ensure that both the babies and adult are safely reunited in their natural habitat.
At Animal Control, our experts will inspect your premises to know where the raccoons are gaining access. We will set a special door so that when the raccoons get out, they can’t get back in. After a week, we will return to remove the trap door and close the entry point for good. However, during baby season several possibilities can happen since situations can be more difficult to remove a female and her offspring from your property. That is why it is important that you do not attempt to perform this task on your own, instead, call us for more information about our Humane raccoon removal service in Hamilton.
Trapping and Exclusion Services
Raccoons are bandits that attack in the cover of the night. They are known for their garbage spreading abilities, and their ambidextrousness in the ways they use their paws. Raccoons will topple your dumpsters using their paws to open the lids and spread out the garbage looking for tasty items to feast on. In Hamilton, they are known to live under elevated decks, in chimneys or attic having babies.
Raccoons are intelligent and curious by nature. They naturally live in the forest in trees where limbs have broken off and left an opening. They, however, become a nuisance when they venture into urban dwellings like Hamilton looking for food and a place to den during winter. They enjoy eating from dumpsters and leftover pet foods. Some of their favourite areas to invade are your attic, shed, and garage.
Signs of raccoons in your Hamilton property is pretty obvious. They don’t do a good job covering their tracks, and they will not clean up after scattering the contents of your garbage all over your lawn. Other signs of raccoons in your yard are paw prints on your deck or columns. You are also likely to hear strange noises from the chimney or notice stains in your ceiling from their urine.
Raccoon Removal Hamilton starts with our Animal Control Expert assessing your home for entry points. We will place traps at these points that show past signs of damage and activity. Once we get rid of the raccoons, we will close the entry points. It is important that all repairs are done within the warranty period in the event additional raccoons decide to gain entry. For more information about our trapping and exclusion services in Hamilton, call us today!